Monday, June 22, 2009


Remember those WWJD Bracelets? I used to have a dark green one with white lettering, I wore it proudly -- probably more for social significance than spiritual guidance though.

As well intentioned as those bracelets may have been they are about as useful as a flat tire, on a rainy day, in the middle of nowhere. This is a somewhat recent realization of mine as I struggled through some decisions in my life. Troubled with my typical lack of decisiveness, I tried to turn to this pop-spiritual guidance and found it lacking. The reality was, "I have no damn clue what Jesus would do here because He wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!"

So what then? I suppose that's the value of meditation and prayer, of hearing God's spirit ourselves rather than from a bracelet.

Though, if i could get my hands on a dark green WWJD bracelet I would so rock it...


Unknown said...

why dont you get a WWBD.. (what would ben do) and do the opposite? that might be helpful.

Ben Lee said...

haha, i like that idea Sy